What is Dungeons and Dragons?

Dungeons and Dragons is a table top role playing game where everyone at the table creates a story together. Each person plays a self made character with their own strengths and weaknesses who is led through the fantasy world by the dungeon master. The players get to choose how their characters will act. These choices affect their story and the story of the fantasy world around them. When a character attempts to do something they roll a twenty sided dice to determine how successful they are at that action. The dungeon master describes how the scene plays out according to the roll and controls the reactions of the monsters and characters the players meet. This pattern creates a wonderful story telling device that is limited only by your imagination and the luck of the rolls.

The game teaches us how to work together and gives a fantastic excuse for real person to person interaction. D&D is inherently inclusive. No matter your race, background, or sexual orientation you can learn to play and have a blast. When you play you can choose to be anyone, whether they’re exactly like you or completely different. It’s a way to bring people together for a lovely bit of fun.

If you want to know more watch this fantastic video by Vox about D&D: