My Portfolio


As I’ve played and worked on table top games over the years I’ve crafted my own rules and designs. My biggest passion is Dungeons and Dragons but I’ve tinkered with many different table top games. Here you can find my own original work as well as my spin on well known games. Feel free to look through my portfolio and use any of it for your own games!

Animals Assemble!

I made a board game called Animals Assemble! The game is about getting the best team of super powered animals together to defeat villains and succeed on missions. In the game you draft cards to build out a tableau. You might make your team’s Muscle the Pugnisher with Telekinesis or your team’s Wildcard Dogter Manhattan with Heat Vision. With Animals Assemble you’re constantly in the action taking simultaneous turns, considering what the cards being passed to you will let you do, and trying to weave your actions around what the other players are doing. Unfortunately the game is not yet available anywhere online, but here are a few pictures and its rulebook to give you an idea of how it plays.

Roll 4 Roles

This is a small puzzle game about creating randomly generated D&D characters. Roll dice and assign them to your 6 different stats to make the best character possible! I designed this game and programmed it myself using the Lua language and the LOVE2D framework. Give it a try! If the game is not loading for you click through to my to try it out.

Shadows in a Seaside City

Dive into Dungeons and Dragons with this introductory adventure I wrote for first time DMs and first time players. This setting agnostic adventure will have you contracting with a dubious noble to find an mysterious box stolen by nefarious cultists. Along the way you'll meet jovial pirates, save a sailor from certain doom, and generally have a good time!

This adventure is for a party of three to seven 1st level adventurers and should take 3-8 hours to run.

Some examples of what you can find in the adventure are below.

You can find the adventure, downloadable for free at the DM’s Guild: Shadows in a Seaside City.

Pokémon Dungeons and Dragons for Fifth Edition

This is an involved rule set to modify the rules for fifth edition D&D to allow for an adventure in the Pokemon world. It includes a new Pokémon trainer class, subclasses for the trainer, rules for using Pokémon in battle, a progression system for Pokémon, new items similar to those in the Pokémon universe, a complete Pokédex of Pokémon stat blocks, a translation of Pokémon moves into spell-like abilities, and much more.


If you want a more in-depth look at this project you can check it out these links:

Generation 1 Pokédex Generation 2 Pokédex

Generation 3 Pokédex Generation 4 Pokédex

Generation 5 Pokédex Generation 6 Pokédex

Generation 7 Pokédex

Disclaimer: Pokémon is a copyright of Nintendo. I don’t own any of the Pokémon IP and have never sold this material for profit.

Spirit Island Custom Spirit: Harsh Sunlight Flares Over Mountains

Alongside my love of tabletop RPGs is a love for all tabletop games. If you’re familiar with the board game Spirit Island, you might recognize the layout of this custom spirit. I made this homebrew addition to the game to flex my game designer muscles.

The main idea for designing this spirit was "what would the most basic spirit look like." I tried to make a spirit so basic that it didn't even push/gather anything. All it does it do damage, defend, and cause fear. It has a few very powerful cards and a good innate power, but can struggle to find the energy/card plays to use them. My goal was to create a spirit that you could give to a first-time player.

Spirit board and cards made with the fantastic Spirit Island Builder.
Art made with Dream by Wombo.


Arterra is my self-made world and campaign setting. It is a high fantasy setting that borrows heavily from influences like Lord of the Rings, The Forgotten Realms, Tal’Dorei, and Order of the Stick. Arterra is an ever-evolving continuous work that changes as I add new lore and as my players shape the world through their adventures. Below are the maps and documents detailing what is known about Arterra if you are interested in reading about the setting. You can also download higher resolution maps at this link.

Welcome to Arterra. This is the world map of all of Arterra including the continents of Odom, Edora, Levanni, Iyus, and Urutac. Learn about how Arterra came into being by reading the Origin Myth of Arterra. If you wish to know more about the gods that are worshipped among the various people of Arterra read about them here in The Gods of Arterra.

This map of Oakshore shows the largest and most powerful city in all of Arterra. Deep shadows fall on its people as a nefarious plot orchestrated by the nobles of the city swept up the honorable Mace and Sword adventuring party. I hope that these maps and documents spark your interest and get you ready for adventure!

This is the Hagmoor River Borderlands, south of the Vistron Dynasty and east of the elven continent of Levanni. Here was where the Saviors of Satbury discovered an ancient evil power bent on poisoning the entire region. Learn more about the people and places that make up this and other regions in Arterra in the Arterra Term Glossary.

Here can be found a map of the Barazir Mountains where Laxson and the Shadowslayers conquered the giants of Mount Dolmyl and discovered a plot to destroy the Divine Gate, but that’s a story for another time. For now you can learn of all the major events that happened between creation and the present in the History of Arterra.

Here is the Elm River Borderlands, a place free of overbearing governments where enterprising adventures including Laxson, Zeth, Lurk, Sarhorn, Zin, and Nislyn can get their start. If you’d like to read a synopsis of adventure campaigns you can play in Arterra, you can find them in Campaigns in Arterra so far.

This is the Northern Vistron Dynasty, location of the most political and mercantile power in all of Arterra, or at least that’s what they would like you to believe. Anything else you might want to learn about Arterra can be found in Features of Arterra.